Monday, August 13, 2012

Heritage Education Funds Inc is not BBB Accredited.

I've added a new link to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). There are recent complaints against Heritage.
Better Business Bureau


  1. I too have been taken to the cleaners by Heritage Education Funds. $5000 in contributions and government grants gone. Told because I couln't continue monthly contributions to the plan, that I no longer own it and will never be able to access it. Furthermore the plan was insured for disabilty, but after being injured at work they refused to pay my contributions, stating "I was injured when the plan and insurance were purchased"
    This is complete BS as the stacks of medical evidence I have proove.

    1. Sadly, Anonymous, this is the way Heritage operates. If you are not on top of every move with them you will get burned. Makes my stomach turn.

      If you haven't already... You should really contact OBSI and take your case to them for a settlement. Gather all your proof & correspondence (telephone/face to face/emails/faxes) that you've had with with Heritage. Try hard to remember. It can take quite some time to process your case with OBSI, but it could be worth it to recover something of your savings.

      I'm assuming since you replied to this particular post that you've contacted BBB? What happened? If anything?


  2. Hi, I am a student and a recent victim of Heritage. They robbed me and my family of 10000 dollars, and like a lot of the other people here we did not see this coming. See, heritage has dirty'd the lens that society looks through and as create an honorable image about itself which it portrays to society. This is obviously not the case and it is time somebody cleans that lens and exposes Heritage's true colors. Myself and an investigative journalist are starting a film series called Exposed. The first episode, Heritage. The idea is simple, we make Heritage famous through a viral film. Then use that fame to expose them for what they really are and focusing societies attention on these scam artist. With enough attention we can demand for a change. Currently, we are beginning to gather proof of this scam. This includes: electronic signatures, documents, interviews with people that are wiling to stand up for themselves, interviews with Heritage, aggressive sales tactics/marketing schemes and related court cases. We need your help though, this blog is a great start and there lots of people here who are also victims. People that could help in bringing down these crooks. Email me,
